Hydrogen Induced Cracking is a well known phenomenon, which is evaluated to be one of the most important cause for pipeline failures, giving rise to incidents and catastrophic events. Given the serious consequences of these events in terms of human safety, environmental preservation and cost saving, it is evident that on-field hydrogen flux monitoring has a fundamental role for accidents prevention.
HELIOS 4 Corrosion permits for the very first time to monitor and assess the integrity of a pipeline during its operation.

Pipeline corrosion generates atomic hydrogen which can become a flow from inside to outside. The probe is installed at external pipe surface and measures and can transmit to remote location in real time the hydrogen flow rate coming from the steel pipeline wall.
By given correlation between corrosion and identified hydrogen flow rate a cracking nucleation and HIC (hydrogen induced cracking) can be predicted in pipeline with implemented mathematical models.


HELIOS 2 PERMEATION is an innovative laboratory instrument that can measure both permeability and hydrogen diffusion coefficient through metallic steel sheets. HELIOS 2 PERMEATION is suitable for evaluating the effectiveness of barrier coatings for hydrogen flux, which is essential for identifying materials in the new hydrogen economy.

The test is carried out referring to ASTM G148 and ISO 17081 Standards.

The traditional equipment used for this type of experiments is the so-called Devanathan-Stachurski double cell, HELIOS 2 PERMEATION replaces the anodic cell with a probe which contains the hydrogen gas sensor.

HELIOS 2 PERMEATION does not require the passivation preparation of the anodic side of the sample and it can assess also diffusivity and hydrogen flux through the coated samples.

Once acquired, the signal that depends on the hydrogen flux through the examined test sample, is processed by proper mathematical codes (by means of a dedicated panel PC) and hydrogen diffusion parameters are evaluated.

HELIOS 2 PERMEATION is a completely automated instrument!

Letomec offers customized instruments and consultancy to define optimal hydrogen charging conditions (current density, electrochemical solution, re-circulation of the test solution, air circulation, etc.), set-up, which depends on the hydrogen charging side that can be electrochemical or gaseous.

The HELIOS Platform including HELIOS 2 PERMEATION is coverd by the Patent N. EP 2912452 B1.

The instrument can be customized according to the user's need.


HELIOS 4 is an innovative instrument useful to perform precise and non-invasive diffusible hydrogen measurements on metallic samples, semi-products and products. It consists of a light weight equipment and is based on a solid-state gas sensor.

HELIOS 4 is versatile, it operates with no fixed geometry, moreover, as it is portable, it can perform measurements directly in situ or on production line.

HELIOS 4 can be used for:

  • Diffusible hydrogen content measurements in components exposed to Sour Environments, as in Oil&Gas Plants;
  • Monitoring Hydrogen-Induced Cracking in Pipelines and Chemical Plants;
  • Hydrogen Damage Control (Nuclear Industry, Welding process, etc.);
  • Laboratory R&D applications.

Once acquired, the signal is processed by proper mathematical codes (by means of a dedicated panel PC), in order to return the hydrogen flux exiting from a surface of the examined component. Of course, a hydrogen concentration gradient is needed to have a good quality measurement.


Letomec offers a customized probe according to the test samples shape and dimensions.

Letomec is developing a new product that allows to measure the flow of hydrogen leaving a hot surface.

For more information please contact us!